Architecture has the potential to positively impact people’s lives every single day. That makes every detail worth obsessing over!

Han is a Principal at LINK with 20 years of experience bringing together people and project teams with the goal of promoting design excellence throughout the organization. His leadership and passion for innovation pushes every project to strive for its highest and greatest use.

With a portfolio of projects that spans multiple continents on both sides of the Pacific – from complex urban sites in the Americas to Polycentric Megacities in Asia and the Middle East, Han’s varied yet in-depth experience in Hospitality, Multi-family, Healthcare, and Commercial Mixed-used projects is well suited to today’s ever-evolving and increasingly complex developments.

He is passionate about identifying design opportunities for complex problems and develops unique yet buildable and sustainable environments. “I enjoy designing at every scale, from a custom handrail detail to master planning a whole city’s commercial district – a clear design intent with a detailed execution on vision is equally important in either case.”

Having been a part of other industry leading firms like FKP/Cannon Design, CallisonRTKL, and MG2 Design during his career, Han has refined his approach to the design process over the years. Architectural design is a highly collaborative process with multiple stakeholders. Part of being able to successfully push the envelope on any project is being able to bring people along with you by knowing when to be a good listener. “We never work in a bubble but instead lay everything out on the table and leverage technology to showcase and build consensus with all of our stakeholders. Ultimately, creating value is something we are all passionate about.”

Say hello to Han